Not only children demand the surreal world of dreams, fairy tales, myths, fantasies and entities from beyond reality. We can also walk among such giants as El Kazovskij, István efZámbó, László feLugossy or Péter Földi and their large-scale visionary works. Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of surrealism, this exhibition shows massive visionary works by contemporary young artists, selected from the private collection of Péter Kacsuk.
Curator: Garami Gréta art historian
Artists: efZámbó István, El Kazovszkij, feLugossy László, Földi Péter, Labrosse Dániel, Milorad Krstic, Monory Ráchel, Naomi Devil, Nyíri Orsolya, Orosz István, Orr Máté, Ősi László, Rabóczky Judit, Verebics Ágnes, Wahorn András
Opening: Thursday, June 13, 2024, 5:00 p.m
Opening speech by: Tayler Patrick painter and art writer
On view: 2024.06.14. – 09.07.