2020.09.16. – 2020.10.30.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Meixner Elementary School and Primary School of Art in Rákospalota the institution presents the artworks of its former and current students: everything that born within the complex Meixner atmosphere.

Online opening: 09. 16. 2020 16:00

You can follow the opening only on the Facebook or watch it later on our YouTube channel.

Opening speech by: Director of Meixner Elementary School and Primary School of Art in Rákospalota

Greeting by: Representative of the Board of Trustees of the Meixner Foundation

On view: 09. 17. – 10. 30. 2020

Due to the pandemic we must implement certain rules to ensure the safety of our visitors and staff.

Please pay attention to the following:

  • cover your mouth and nose with a mask or scarf
  • please wash your hands or use hand sanitizers at the entrance
  • up to 10 people can stay in the galleryspace at a time
  • keep at least a 1.5 meters distance from other people

Please take care of each other. Thank you for your cooperation! 

The exhibition was organized in cooperation with Meixner Elementary School and Primary School of Art.

Facebook event