We recommend our small and big suitcase sessions for your personal visits, which will help you to understand our current exhibitions alone, with improving color and space vision and working your senses.


 „Small suitcase”

For 5-10 years olds

Time it takes: 45 minutes


1. COLOR VISION: First put the color cycle together.

Look for warm and cool colors at the exhibition!

Draw the figures you discover on the art pieces into the empty color cycle!

It’s important to draw with the color that plays the most important role on the art piece you choose!

Use the help on the color cycle!

2. Search for the smells tastes and sounds at the exhibition, that are in the SENSE GAME envelope!

3. Make a 3 dimensional post card from the materials you find in the SPATIAL envelope!

The characters should be the figures from the exhibition! You can even use the post card as a theatrical background, where the characters are TELLING A STORY.


„Big suitcase”

For 10-15 years olds

Time it takes: 45 minutes



Choose a color from the cycle! Use the color cycle and the helping description!

Search for 2 or more art pieces at the exhibition where the color you choose plays an important role!

Examine what kind of emotions and affects does the color makes on these art pieces! Match the colors with emotions!

Put the art pieces into a story and tell them!

Use the comic layout and all the materials found in the suitcase (color papers, newspaper cut-outs, recycling materials)


– Look for different symbols on the exhibition! Use the symbols as help!You can build these symbols into your 3D post card, which you can make from the materials found in the SPATIAL envelope!

The elements of your 3D postcard should be the figures, forms, symbols from the exhibition!


Trough the sessions we make photograph, with applying to the session the participant agree to be recorded or photographed. The pictures will be used in the galleries’ communication materials and press attendance.