City themed museum educational sessions

We live in the city, that’s why we think it’s important to teach children to use their everyday environment consciously!  Sessions are available with pre-consultations to a specific teacher or subject:  French- and foreign languages, visual culture, nature studies, biology, geography, history, social and civic knowledge, Hungarian grammar- and literature, art history, drama-dancing, motion picture- and media, philosophy, technology, lifestyle and practices, informatics (I.T.).



A session about where we wonder in Budapest in our minds.

Recommended for ages: 5-12 years old

Time it takes: 45 minutes -1 hours


The process of the art course:

–          Through the session we make our own mental map of the capital city, what can be filled with everyone’s own routes. This way we can see how much do we actually experience from the city. We will try to explore the unfilled places with the help of our memories and imagination, to see the whole city.

–           The map is only a frame for us, the map is a 2 dimensional form, but the exploration pushed boundaries of reality.

The administratively well-delimited Budapest isn’t only architecture of only houses, streets, squares and public works, but a personal and communal space, a network that shows memories (even history), emotions and connections.

–          A discussion about the concept of a mental map, and it’s use (use of space, boundaries, landmarks, junctions, safe and dangerous places in our minds)

–          An imaginary cultural walkthrough at Kolozsvár and Budapest!


For developing personal competences:

–          self and world point of view

–          Cognitive Skills

–          Self-expression

–          Creative thinking, problem solving skills, attention and focus developing




Recommended for ages:  8-14years old

Time it takes:  1, 5-2 hours


The process of the art course:

–          Making maketts and developing children’s theoretical and dexterity skills.

–          planning, choosing the material, formatting, constructing, mixed techniques and recycling!

–          on our makett workshop children can rethink the nearby Erzsébet square, but we can insert it to our curriculum ( maketting historical cities)


For developing personal competences:

–          Local knowledge, local knowledge of cultural values

–          Architectural and cartographic basic knowledge, layout reading

–          Analyzing the building on materials, intended use and the context of the formations

–          Creative recycling in the use of materials

–          paper art, plastic and graphic basic knowledge, the improvement of space vision

–          good constructive skills, open-minded, creative point of view

–          knowledge of cooperative learning methodology




Recommended for ages: 10-18 years old

Time it takes: 1-1, 5 hours


The process of the art course:

 –          trough the session we show Budapest with elements of drama, where we move

–          The city where we walk day by day. But do we really remember the small details?

–          There will be transport, relaxing, crowd and empty streets, bunch of children from school and busy grown ups rushing to work. There will be trees bordering the streets, or just the huge stack of buildings, all this with noises, sounds and movement.

 –          We vivify everyday situations to understand them deeper.


For developing personal competences:

–          Blooming of personality

–          associative and improvising skills

–          open-minded and creative point of view

–          knowledge of cooperative learning methodology

–          flexibility, opening skills

–          communication and social skills

–          improving inner and spatial safety





Recommended for ages: 14-18 years old

Time it takes: 1-1, 5 hours


The process of the art course:

–          The task of the groups is to redesign, restore the Erzsébet square. The participant don’t only design, but create it to different consumer groups, they create the square to serve the needs of their group.

–          „Consumer groups”: retired, expectant mother/Family with small children, youngsters the age between 16-23, caterer,  customer/state/capital

–          The group has to compile the needs of their choosen/given group and make a makett of the changes from recycled materials, after present and discuss with the other groups.


For developing personal competences:

–          Changing the point-of view

–          Participating in a conscious city design and communal design

–          To embrace the project management skills

–          the improvement of argumentation and debate skills


Sessions are available with pre-consultations to a specific teacher or subject:  visual culture, singing-music, nature studies, biology, geography, history, social and civic knowledge, Hungarian grammar- and literature, art history, drama-dancing, motion picture- and media, philosophy, technology, lifestyle and practices, informatics (I.T.).




Trough the sessions we make photograph, with applying to the session the participant agree to be recorded or photographed. The pictures will be used in the galleries’ communication materials and press attendance.