The Best Children’s Books of 2017

2018.02.22. – 2018.02.23.

A group of specialists have compared the remarkable children and youth book-releases of 2017. A selection of books will be presented and the jury will  announce the top 25 hungarian and the top 25 international children’s books of 2017 in a roundtable-conversation.

Members of the jury: Varga Emőke, Révész Emese, Pálfi György, Boldizsár Gizella, Bereczki Anna, Czomba Magdolna, Lapis József, Kecskés Nóri, Wittmann Ildikó, Sándor Csilla.

Date: 23 February 2018. 15:00 – 17:30

Adress: Deák17 Youth Art Gallery (1052 Budapest, Deák Ferenc str. 17.  1st floor)

Partner: Institute of Hungarian Children’s Literature

Facebook event


Please find the list of the TOP50 books here.