‘African-American Freedom Struggle: From Slave Rebellions to the Talented Tenth to People’s Movement’ – presentation of Michael Simmons

2018.02.20. – 2018.02.27.

To celebrate African-American History Month, the American Corner Budapest and the U.S. Embassy in Budapest, in cooperation with Deak 17 Galeria, are pleased to invite the Hungarian public for the presentation of Michael Simmons, titled ‘African-American Freedom Struggle: From Slave Rebellions to the Talented Tenth to People’s Movement’.

Michael Simmons will discuss the modern-day African American Civil Rights movement in this historical context, emphasizing the political and cultural significance of the transformation from an elite-led movement to a grassroots, people-driven, mass social movement that the modern-day African American Civil Rights Movement represents.

Date: 27 February 2018. 17:30 – 19:30

Adress: Deák 17 Youth Art Gallery (1052 Budapest, Deák Ferenc street 17. 1st floor)

Partners: American Corner Budapest, U.S. Embassy Budapest.

Attendace is free, but you need to register at this link.

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