
We are unique in that we mediate contemporary art mainly to young people. Building on their responsiveness and openness, we contribute to shaping a sustainable, receptive world and society


By 2023, the Deák 17 Gallery, found in the heart of Budapest, aims to take on a role as the sort of mediator of the arts that seeks to guide young people through the world of contemporary art in a unique manner, presenting new directions in close cooperation with other cultural institutions. In the coming period, the gallery aims to actively respond to the needs of the 14- to 23-year-old age group, in addition to its activities involving young children.


OPENNESS: The institution is open to the most varied means of creative expression, to new topics and unfamiliar methods. It maintains active ties with its audience and its partner institutions, whom it views as collaborators. The gallery is not an insular institution, rather it continuously forges ties with other fields of knowledge in the interest of reaching an ever broader audience.
EFFICIENCY: The gallery makes optimal use of its resources: its inputs and outputs balance out. It operates in a manner that is consistent and efficient.
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: The gallery regularly directs children’s and young people’s attention to social and environmental problems with the topics of its exhibitions and activities. Through contemporary art and with the tools of museum education, it seeks to raise more responsible city-dwellers and adults. In its everyday operation, the gallery also contributes to shaping a sustainable, environmentally-friendly and receptive world and society, promoted as well among its volunteers, university interns and staff.
HIGH STANDARDS: The activities conducted by the gallery seek to achieve the highest standards in terms of quality and professionalism. This sort of ambition is projected in both the persons and the work of our staff.
RAPPORT: Establishing and maintaining a culture of cooperation is important for the gallery, both in its shared everyday work within the institution and in its ties with partners and visitors.
EXPERIMENTATION: The gallery staff are open to innovation and to new ideas. They support experimentation and accept that not every experiment is successful.
RESPECT: The gallery staff respect the goals, values and mission expressed by the institution. They take into consideration the views of partners and colleagues involved with the activities of the gallery, as well as the needs and feedback of visitors.


Kaposi Dorka



If you are interested in a collaboration with our gallery or you have a great exhibition idea, please contact with her. 

Studies: Eötvös Loránd University – history of art, Eötvös Loránd University – participate in the Phd programme

Tranings, Intership and Fellowship programs: Universitá di Roma – La Sapienza (Erasmus), The Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice (Internship program), Participation in different fellowship programs from 2001 in the UK, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Turkey and Ukranaine

Languages: English, Italian




What do I do in the Gallery: I am responsible for the organization and management of exhibitions, as well as the related programs.

Studies: I gained my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in art history at the Károli Gáspár University. My main field of research is Hungarian contemporary photography and fine art. During my university studies, I worked at several local contemporary galleries, where I participated in the organization of exhibitions and the writing of creative texts.Experiences: As a teacher, I was the teacher of the grammar school, OKJ and evening adult education of the Jaschik Álmos Art Grammar School, also the organizer of its art projects and exhibitions. As a curator, I organized contemporary art exhibitions, projects and publications at the T-Art Foundation and the San Marco Gallery of the Óbuda Cultural Center. As an art historian, my writings were published primariliy in ÚjMűvészet. As an art mediator, I have given numerous lectures, guided tours, openings and walks across the country. I am the mother of two teenage girls.




What do I do in the Gallery:





What do I do in the Gallery: At the Gallery, I perform curatorial assistant tasks, participate in the realization of exhibitions and programs, handle behind-the-scenes tasks, and contribute to building exhibitions. I manage the Gallery’s museum education platforms and maintain ongoing communication with schools and kindergartens applying for workshops. Additionally, I organize and coordinate students completing their school community service, interns, and volunteers.

Education: I earned my degree in Art Theory from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, where I gained insights into the structure and operation of contemporary art institutions and organizations. I studied art criticism, archival research, and the fundamentals of contemporary art project management. During my studies, I participated in several art projects and completed my internship at The Day of Hungarian Painting Foundation, where I continue to work as a volunteer.




What do I do in the Gallery: I am responsible for all communication of the Gallery, including PR and marketing activities. I manage the Gallery’s website and social media pages, and I also come up with communication plans related to exhibitions and events. The newsletter and press materials also come out of my hands, I write the texts of the flyers and posters, I proofread the English translations and I also prepare the various professional reports. In addition to my communication activities, I strive to associate literature-related accompanying programs with our exhibitions, thus combining visual arts with literature.

Studies: I graduated from Pázmány Péter Catholic University with an English degree and a Literary translator degree, then obtained a Specialized translator certificate at Eötvös Loránd University. After that, I obtained a Museum- and Culture Management degree at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design.

Experiences: While completing the Museum management program, I’ve been an intern at the Hungarian National Gallery’s editorial office, and the Deák17 Gallery as well.




What do I do in the Gallery: Since November 2023, I have been working as a museum educator at the Gallery. In addition to designing and leading programs for kindergarten groups, I am passionate about organizing museum education activities for school groups, university students, and families. I also contribute to the organization and execution of our Children Around the World program series and take part in writing and editing our publication, Squaring the Circle.

Education: I graduated from Eötvös Loránd University’s Faculty of Humanities in 2004 with degrees in Art History and German Language and Literature, qualifying as both a teacher and a scholar. Since I am also interested in the self-explorative and therapeutic aspects of creative expression, I completed the Integrated Expression and Dance Therapy program at the CITA Institute in Munich and the Mental Health Counseling program at Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church.


Between 2004 and 2023, I taught art history in several art-focused secondary schools and in adult education institutions, including the “KISKÉPZŐ” Secondary School of Visual Arts, the Szent István Király Secondary School of Music, the Jaschik Álmos Secondary School of Arts, and the Soter-Line Educational Center. Alongside teaching, I have been involved in preparing conservation documentation for cultural heritage preservation, writing and translating educational materials for printed and online publications. My qualifications in dance therapy and mental health counseling are applied in leading self-awareness groups for adults.




What do I do in the Gallery: As a museum educator, I design and lead class activities for elementary and high school students. Occasionally, I present my museum education work to university students majoring in pedagogy or as part of teacher training courses, sometimes even at external locations—for example, on book-related topics. Since the beginning of the Children Around the World program series, I have been the leader of both group and individual sessions.

Studies: I graduated in 2005 from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts with degrees in Painting and Pedagogy. Currently, I am pursuing my studies at the Doctoral School of the same university. In 2020, I participated in the Museum Educator Training for Contemporary Art at D17.

Experiences: I am a visual artist and have been working as a museum educator since 2018. I started at the Vasarely Museum until 2021 and then continued at Deák17 Gallery. Before that, I led the Kis Képzőművész Kör art group in Zugló for 16 years and also ran Kindergarten Drawing programs in the same location. At Munkácsy Mihály Elementary School, I taught graphic design and art history, was an art teacher at the Pál Apostol Catholic Elementary and High School, and served as a lecturer in Drawing and Spatial Representation at the Széchenyi István University’s Civil Engineering program.
