The visual phrasing of light and light phenomena – The competition’s bests  are exhibited

2015.09.23. – 2015.10.31.

Nearly a hundred competitors sent photos to our competition in four categories: shadows and splendors, sky phenomena, lights and fountains, light in the city between the age of 10 to 23 from all of the region of Hungary. This exhibition is one among the programme-series – The National Year Of The Light- organized by The Hungarian Academy of Science. These artworks are evidence that how important is the light in our lives and in how many forms presents on Earth.

Exhibiting young artist’s works, teaching the youth to use new forms and techniques in art, discovering the talent are all the aim of Deák17 Child and Youth Art Gallery. We are pleased to experience that for more our gallery’s competition was the first occasion to try themselves in art. We suppose that these photos took by the youth are the evidence of Hungarian photography‘s world standard and we will encounter that name’s who took part in this competition on the future’s exhibitions.

The name of the participants: Akl Fanni, Antal Leila, Balla Ráhel, Bereczki László, Czakó Anna, Csordás Eszter, Fodor Petra, Herke Miklós Loránd, Horváth Avarka, Horváth Bernadett, Huszár Anett és társai (Mihály Anett, Balla Petra, Szemerédi Regina, Kerekes Patrícia, Dombóvári Ágnes ), Incze Ábel, Iván Barnabás, Justin Anna, Kollin Ádám, Kormos Panni, Lészkai Lili, Marthi Péter, Menyhárt Levente Tibor, Mihalovics Edina, Nagy Alíz, Nagy Dóra,  Nyerges Dániel, Orbán Nóra, Petrikó Dávid, Sebestyén Dzsenifer, Szász Attila, Szalontai Gergő, Szegedy- Maszák Blanka, Szerdahelyi Gergő, Szilágyi Anna, Szilágyi Péter, Szurok Noémi, Torgyik Eszter, Tóth Gergő, Tóth-Kaszás Bianka, Vincze Gábor.

The photos are on the show between 23 September and 31 October 2015.

The catalog of the exhibition is available to download.