The creation of the perfect man is represented by the works “Eve” and “Adam and Eve” by István Máriás (Horror Pista), while “Tomorrow’s Eve” appears in Tamás Dobos’s photo-pair Nüx 1-2.
Bertalan (Zsili) Babos’s mixed-media statues and objects explore the human-robot relationship, while László Győrffy’s “Mixed waste” image-pair reflects upon the mechanization of man.
The problem of the impact of plastic surgery is represented by the painting “Sold” by László Lukács Csernátony and by photographs by Adél Koleszár and Géza Szöllősi, while Adél’s work also displays the (half human, half machine) cyborg.
Ágnes Verebics’s works “Buddha with diodes” and “Head with diodes” refer to the relationship between the real and virtual worlds, while Noémi Ördög (Naomi Devil)’s “Secondskin” series also illustrates virtual selves, avatars.
The presentation of Machine Utopia begins with the kinetic sculpture “Csepel GE (Csepel Machine Man )” by Ottó Szabó and ends with humanoid works by László Karácsonyi, trophies by Judit Lóczi Horváth and paintings of giant robots by Zsolt Gyarmati.