Hello Arti! – exhibition

2018.09.12. – 2018.10.27.

The exhibition presents the best works of the contest ‘Let’s Design ARTI the Mascot of Deák17 Gallery’. The aim of the competition was to create a lovable, cute figure that represents the Gallery and its conception and to give young creators an opportunity to debut. Come and see how others have imagined the Galley’s mascot ARTI!

Result of the contest:
The winner of the contest ‘Let’s Design ARTI the Mascot of Deák17 Gallery’ in 2018 is Krisztina Utasi.

Exhibiting students:
Achucarro Vivien, Ámon Abigél Ágnes, Balogh Borbála, Belső Dániel, Berkes Dorina, Csák Anna, Cseh Janka, Felföldi Katalin, Fricska Droka, Hajnal Gréta, Horváth Varga Tímea, Kasza Bernadett, Király Alíz, Kispál Evelin Flóra, Németh Fruzsina, Lai Ya Jing Anett, Lengyel Renáta, Majoros Kata, Molnár Ágoston, Péter Gergő, Scmidinger Béla, Számuel Boglárka, Tóth Henrietta, Utasi Krisztina, Verba Julia, Veres Kitti, Verő Anna

Opening: 12 September 2018 16:00

On view: 12 September 2018 – 27 October 2018

Connecting workshop:
Let’s Design Arti’s Friends! – puppet-maker workshop for groups

Facebook event