On view: 11 June 2021 – 13 August 2021
Online opening: 10 June 2021 17.00
Opening remarks: Győri Lívia media educator, curator of M.S. Mester Foundation
Exhibition organizer: Trojkó Ildikó visual communication designer, photography teacher, chairman of M.S. Mester Foundation
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The Bródy Imre High School of Újpest and the M.S. Mester Foundation proudly present the best projects assigned during this academic year’s media courses in photography, film and visual culture. During the course of our digital academic year – due to the pandemic – we conducted our activities in digital spaces and communicated with each other online. Now, we can speak to the public in real space, with art works designed using digital tools and interactive objects that have undergone an analog transformation. On display in our exhibition are our media arts works: photographs, videos, one-of-a-kind photo albums, optical playthings and picture cube puzzles.

Virtual exhibition
The virtual exhibition was created by virtu•ART•tour