We invite you to participate in the Drawing Contest for Children 2020.
“Alebrijes” are, without a doubt, a fundamental part of Mexico’s cultural and artistic imaginary, through which fantastic figures are created that combine different elements of real or imagined animals, represented with vibrant and colorful paint.
Thanks to these types of artisanal representations, Mexican culture continues to transcend borders, allowing us to create closer links with other communities around the world and promote the cultural richness of our country.
For this reason “Alebrijes” is the theme chosen by the Institute for Mexicans Abroad (“IME”, for its acronym in Spanish) for the XXIV edition of the Children´s Drawing Contest “Este es mi México”.
“Alebrijes”, fantastic figures around the world.
With this theme in mind, we invite children from around the world to put their imagination in motion and showcase their artistic abilities by participating in the XXIV edition of the Contest.
The contest will be open from the time this invitation is published, until August 15, 2020.
1.- You must be between 6 and 14 years old.
2.-Draw or paint on an A3 paperboard or cardboard (297 x 420mm/11,7 x 16 inches).
3.-Use pencil, paintbrush, acrylic, watercolors, crayons or any other material of your choice.
4.-Fill-in the attached Registration Form with the information requested and paste it on the back of your art work with a brief description of the image. Be sure to include your name and the date.
5.-Send or hand-in your drawing at the Mexican Embassy, Consulate or S.R.E. Delegation nearest to you. https://www.gob.mx/sre
From the drawings and paintings received, we will select 12 winning art works, as well as 4 honorable mentions for each of the following regions:
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- Africa and the Middle East
- Asia and Oceania
- Europe
- Mexico
- United States (West)
- United States (East) and Canada
The 40 art works selected will form part of a traveling exhibit which will be inaugurated in Mexico City. Afterwards, this exhibit will travel to cities around the world so that other children may enjoy the selection of the best works of art of this year´s Contest.
The 12 winners will receive a prize and a selection of the 40 art works recognized in this year´s Contest will be featured in the 2021 IME Calendar.
The JURY will be composed of:
- A representative of Mexico’s Ministry of Culture.
- The Contest’s “godmother” or “godfather” (madrina/padrino).
- A child in the sixth grade, son or daughter of an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico.
- A representative of the Institute for Mexicans Abroad (IME for its acronym in Spanish).
The 28 honorary mentions will be selected by the community by means of electronic votes through IME’s Facebook page (@IMEsremx) from the 17th to the 21st of August, 2020. Voting will close at 18:00 hrs. (Mexico City time) on August 21 st.
In selecting the 12 winning drawings, the Jury will take into consideration the following age categories:
- Category 1: 6 to 8 year olds.
- Category 2: 9 to 11 year olds.
- Category 3: 12 to 14 year olds.
R E M E M B E R ! Your work must be received before August 15, 2020.
Do not forget to:
- Sign your drawing and write down the date.
- Fill-in the attached registration form and paste it on the back of your drawing.
- Write down your name and a brief description of your drawing.
- Hand-in or send your work of art to the nearest Mexican Embassy, Consulate or Delegation before the dead-line: Monday, June 29th, 2020.
- Make sure your drawing is the right size: A3 (297 x 420 mm/11,7 x 16,5 inches)
Please take note that the following situations will result in disqualification:
- Drawings which do not address the contest’s theme (Alebrijes).
- Drawings that are copied, traced or have been aided by an adult.
- Results will be published on Monday, August 31st, 2020 through the official website and social media accounts of the IME
By participating in the “Contest”, you transfer your rights to the artwork to the IME so that it may form part of exhibits or publications for promotion purposes. Drawings will not be returned to the authors.
Any issue not mentioned in the present document will be resolved by the Executive Director of the Institute for Mexicans Abroad. For further information, please visit: