2018.01.16. – 2018.04.30.

On the occasion of the inscription of the Town of Banská Štiavnica and technical sites of its vicinity on the UNESCO World Heritage List, our municipality started to organise a youthful creativity event. Following the success of the contest for grade school students that marked the twenty-third anniversary, we have decided to hold the twenty-fourth contest. School children are invited to participate by using their creativity to represent either their own World Heritage City or any World Heritage City around the globe.

To participate, the following conditions should be met:

– entries should be submitted in one of three categories – ages up to 9, 10 – 12 and 13 – 15;
– drawings, paintings, water colours, monotypes, linocuts, intarsias, collages and the like should be submitted in standard 10 x 14 cm postcard format mailed preferably in an envelope (for the entire school) and marked with the catchword “Vision 2018”;
– artwork should completely cover the front of the postcard with the back reserved for the full name of the participant, his/her age and complete return address of the school (in block letters);
– history, impressions, artifacts, daily life, inhabitants, even the future, are all themes that are suggested to inspire the creative efforts of all participants;
– individual students may submit as many as three different entries which are expected to be received not later than 30th April 2018 to the address:
Mestskỳ úrad
Henrieta Godová
Radničné nám. 1.
969 24 Banská Štiavnica
Slovak Republic

In June 2018, based on the entries received, we will inaugurate an exhibit entitled “World Heritage – A Youthful Vision 2018” where three of the best entries in each category will be awarded. After Banská Štiavnica, the exhibit will then travel throughout the OWHC network.

Deadline of the contest:
30th April 2018