Experience of science

2017.04.22. – 2017.05.20.

Best works from the Hungarian Secondary School Acadamic Compatition

Photos, graphic designs and applied art


In this year Ministry of Human Capacities advertised again the Hungarian Secondary School Academic Competition in the field of Visual Culture with the title ‘Experience of Science’. The best pieces of this competition, which is being organised by the Education Office, will be on show from 22nd April till 20th May in Deák17 Youth Art Gallery.


Opening: 22nd April, 2017, 3pm

Opening speech: Norbert Kroó, the member of the Hungarian Academy of Science

Introduction to the works: Béla Zombori, the head of jury

The prizes will be handed over by Mrs. Gizella Boldizsár, secretary of MROE

On show: 22nd April – 20th May, 2017.


Supporters of the competition and the exhibition: General Assembly of Budapest, National Association of Hungarian Art Theachers, Art School of Buda, Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Kunsthalle Budapest